ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

FYI: Get OpenLab ! - http://www.getopenlab.com/

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<a href="http://distrowatch.com/openlab";>OpenLab</a> GNU/Linux is a
South African distribution based on Slackware Linux, designed primarily
for deployment in schools throughout the region. The project's latest
release, version 4.0, was announced yesterday: "<span class="Quote">OpenLab
International proudly announces the release of OpenLab 4. OpenLab 4 is
an all-encompassing GNU/Linux software distribution, catering to
desktop, power and server users alike. ... The base distribution is
OpenLab4 LIVEcd, which is available for free download. LIVEcd contains
the entire operating system, and all basic applications including KDE,
OpenOffice.org and Firefox, all on a single CD. LIVEcd is complimented
with two further CDs - POWERcd and KARMAcd.</span>"<br>
<a href="http://www.getopenlab.com/olmambo/";>http://www.getopenlab.com/olmambo/</a><br>

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