ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Support open standards everywhere in all Europe, especially by administrations and states

Support open standards everywhere in all Europe, especially by
administrations and states

On June 29 2007, the European Commission agency IDABC published
document written on contract by Gartner initiating the revision of the
European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and the Architecture
Guidelines (AG) .

The first version of this very important document has been published
in 2004 and introduced a strong support and request for open standards
and xml for the exchange of data between administrations within
Europe, as well as with the citizens. This has been relayed and used
in many countries to support open standards as well.

This is now threatened in this new report EIF v2.0 by Gartner

This second version, not yet endorsed by the European Commission, nor
by the member states, but that could well enter soon such an
endorsement process, wants to update the previous version of the
European Interoperability Framework but, contrary to the first
version, it threatens explictely the good process of more open
standards that had been a long time push of IDABC.


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