ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

FYI: OSOR offers web space and facilities for creation of communities

  The European Commission's Open Source Observatory and Repository
project (OSOR.EU) invites anyone working on open source to launch
their own community-section on the OSOR website.

Open source policy-makers, software developers and other users of the
OSOR website can start a community section based on their area of
expertise, country or language. For instance, European specialists in
public procurement of open source software can in this way easily
start working together with colleagues in other EU member states.

Once a new section is added, users can add blog entries, create and
participate in discussions and comment on news articles. Users can
also easily share documents and case studies and assist in creating a
knowledge base for their community.

Such sections can provide an exchange forum among Public
Administrations about their user needs and service delivery in a
specific field. They can also become a hub for developers and help
reference existing open source applications, or trigger discussions
following new legislation.

"An OSOR community is open to anyone who may want to join", explains
the project website. The project recommends community facilitators to
define a clear purpose, scope of action and priorities.

"We hope this will boost the exchange of good practice regarding open
source and open standards and that it will result in the sharing of
experiences by Public Administrations", explains Szabolcs Szekacs,
OSOR.EU project officer at IDABC, the European Commission's unit for
e-Government policies.
... http://www.epractice.eu/document/5517 & http://www.osor.eu/communities

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