* Open Science for Health: shaping the New Framework Program. * Transitioning to knowledge management and governance that benefits all. Wednesday 31 January 09.00-13.00 European Parliament PHS 01C051, Brussels Health Action International (HAI) and Commons Network (CN) invite you to a discussion on the opportunities and challenges ahead in the current medical Research and Development (R&D) system. The discussion will focus on alignment of public funded R&D with societal benefit in the context of the mid-term review of Horizon 2020 (H2020) and the drafting of Framework Program 9 (FP9). Concrete recommendations will be made to shape the upcoming FP9 in ways that guarantee a fair public return on public investment. *Hosted by*: Lola Sanchez Caldentey (GUE) DEVE/Nessa Childers (S&D) ENVI/ Michele Rivasi (Greens) ITRE · Introductory remarks by MEP Lola Sánchez (DEVE) · David Hammerstein, CN (on behalf of organisers) *How to manage biomedical knowledge as a commons-* Introductory presentation on challenges & opportunities ahead. *Panel 1 - H2020 and the Current R&D Model* Conversation on how shortcomings and failures of the current market-driven R&D system and model for reporting scientific results affect the performance of the H2020 programme. Identify best practices and issue recommendations on the way forward. *Moderator*: Fanny Voitzwinkler - Global Health Advocates <http://www.ghadvocates.eu/en/home/> *Chair*: MEP Nessa Childers *Speakers*: Dr. Silvio Garattini, Mario Negri Institute <http://www.marionegri.it/en_US/home>; Ursula Theuretzbacher, Center for Anti-Infective Agents <http://aida-project.eu/researchers/90-institutes/78-cefaia>; Martin Pigeon, Corporate European Observatory <https://corporateeurope.org/>. *Panel 2: An Alternative R&D Model: From the Lab to Society* Showcase concrete developments and initiatives that engage in knowledge sharing, cooperation and/or do not rely on market-driven incentives. Aim is to show the feasibility of an alternative R&D ecosystem that is public-needs oriented, and discuss how to best incorporate these elements in the upcoming Framework Programme 9. *Moderator*: Ancel.la Santos – Health Action International <http://haiweb.org/> *Speakers*: Spring Gombe, Neglected Disease Initiative <https://www.dndi.org/> (DNDi); Aude Lapprand, Science Citoyennes <https://sciencescitoyennes.org/> ; Erika Duenas, Medicines Patent Pool <https://medicinespatentpool.org/> (MPP); Jean-François Dechamp, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation · Closing remarks MEP Michèle Rivasi (ITRE) To register for this event, click *here* <https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/open-science-for-health-shaping-the-new-framework-programme-registration-41490362792>
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