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[opensource-devs] Understanding LDAP role and analyzing "Files" Section in CLIO project

  • Subject: [opensource-devs] Understanding LDAP role and analyzing "Files" Section in CLIO project
  • From: "George G. Gkasdrogkas" <georgegkas [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2017 21:05:35 +0200
Dear Mr. Zavras,

I read that you proposed the use of LDAP as authentication system for CLIO.
This is the first time I get in touch with this technology (as well as many
other students I believe). To my understandings, the system allow us to
store user informations (with corresponding attributes username, pass,
role, etc) in one centralize database and read the corresponding entries we
want super fast. How exactly can we retrieve those informations from inside
our application (eg a person record)? Are we restrict using one
platform-framework to intgrate with the LDAP server (either Node.js, a
framework based on Python or php, etc)? For example our app is running on
Node.js and we installed a module to integrate with the LDAP server. Is
this method appropriate or do we handle the process differently? Next, I
want to ask if you plan to store component data as well in LDAP or we can
propose the use of a RDBMS? I believe this is more appropriate as we can
create relationships between different components. Finally, I did not
understood the Files section very well. The word "file" refers to a single
text file that contains source code or a license file? I think it refers to
source code file. Also, some more explanations is needed here: "...by the
means of SPDX files." Do we have to add an option for user to upload
".spdx" files and process the informations in our app? For instance if the
user use a Complex Component A that includes simpler components A1, A2,
..., A100 (every single one with a different spdx license file) do we have
to provide an option for the user to upload all the appropriate .spdx
license files and visualize the results on his/her screen? It would be very
helpful if you can provide some user stories in this section and in the
overall project in general.

Really appreciate your help,
George G. Gkasdrogkas
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