ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: [opensource-devs] Understanding LDAP role and analyzing "Files" Section in CLIO project

  • Subject: Re: [opensource-devs] Understanding LDAP role and analyzing "Files" Section in CLIO project
  • From: Alexios Zavras <zvr+eellak [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2017 20:27:07 +0100
George G. Gkasdrogkas wrote [edited]:
> I read that you proposed the use of LDAP as authentication system for CLIO.

LDAP is used as the standard mechanism for authentication;
you don't want to create user accounts for each and every system
you build in your environment (and have the users maintaining passwords).

Most programming languages have standard libraries dealing with this.

>  Next, I
> want to ask if you plan to store component data as well in LDAP or we can
> propose the use of a RDBMS?

no, LDAP is only used for user/access control data.

all CLIO data should be in an (SQL) database.

>  Finally, I did not
> understood the Files section very well. The word "file" refers to a single
> text file that contains source code or a license file?

"file" in this context is "source code file"

> Also, some more explanations is needed here: "...by the
> means of SPDX files." Do we have to add an option for user to upload
> ".spdx" files and process the informations in our app?

uploading spdx and keeping (and producing it when generating output)
is enough;  processing is another task, which I think would
increase the project scope significantly.

> For instance if the
> user use a Complex Component A that includes simpler components A1, A2,
> ..., A100 (every single one with a different spdx license file) do we have
> to provide an option for the user to upload all the appropriate .spdx
> license files and visualize the results on his/her screen?

SPDX files contain all the information on a package.
they are not "license file"; they contain information
on each and every file of the package (name, checksums,
license, copyright info, etc.).

yes, the idea is that each component could have a corresponding SPDX file
(uploaded after being generated externally).

-- zvr --
--  +---------------------------+       Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
    | H eytyxia den exei enoxes |       zvr [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr
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