ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: [opensource-devs] GSoC 2017 - Zeus


The work we have already done in Zeus involves using pairing-based elliptic curve cryptography. We do not plan to create a new algorithm (that’s well beyond the scope of GSoC). However, even for existing algorithms, there are a number of issues:

* Which implementation should one use? There are some open source implementations available, at varying degrees of maturity.

* How to make sure the implementation is efficient? Can we benchmark and choose an implementation?

* How can we wrap the implementation so as to use it from Python?

There is also a development front going on that is more algorithmic in nature. The pairing-based algorithms we have implemented need a Common Reference String (CRS) to be created. We have a broad idea how this could be done, but we have not worked out the details. So an open item for us is exactly to find and implement a CRS generation mechanism.

Best Regards,


> On 22 Mar 2017, at 01:33, Δεσποινα Χοχτουλα <chochtoula [ at ] ceid [ dot ] upatras [ dot ] gr> wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> I am interested in the Zeus project, specifically in the idea about porting the cryptographic workflow to elliptic curves. I would like to know if it requires a new implementation of elliptic curve cryptography or the use of an already existing implemetation. Also, if you could provide additional details about the project, it would be really helpful. 
> Thank you
> Despoina Chochtoula
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