ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

[opensource-devs] Understanding user roles in CLIO

Dear mentor Mr Zavras,

I would like to request more informations about user roles in CLIO. I read
the questions here in the mailing list which refer to that subject but, as
you saw from my draft proposal, I could not fully understand how we should
implement that part. The bellow paragraph describes how I think the system
should manage the user roles, as I replied to your comments in my draft.

We first initialize-setup CLIO. In the beginning there are neither
components nor user accounts. Users have to register to be able to create
and use components in their project. The privileges are graded to users for
each component separately. For example, userA creates simple components cA
and cB. For those two components he has admin privileges. But there are
also components cC and cD which he can only import/export them in his
complex component and can not manipulate in other way, we refer that he has
regular privileges to those. Moreover, for every components (simple or
complex) anyone can see their informations, these are users with
unrestricted privileges.

Do you believe such an idea would be unmanageable for our project? Where
should we save the roles for each user and how exactly? In the LDAP server?
Please upload more informations if you'd like, cause I saw many other
students, like myself, that strangle to understand this point.

George G. Gkasdrogkas
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