ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: [opensource-devs] General questions about GSoC proposal.

  • Subject: Re: [opensource-devs] General questions about GSoC proposal.
  • From: Alexios Zavras <zvr+eellak [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2017 01:16:37 +0200
George G. Gkasdrogkas wrote [edited]:
> I came up with some questions about the informations we have to include in
> our proposal.

in general, try to make your proposal as good as possible,
so that you are selected amongst all other candidates.
on the other hand, do not fill it up with information
which does not relate to the specific project at hand.

> a) If we have contribute to some open source project before, do we have to
> provide a small description, about this project, to accompany the link of
> the project's page?

you may, especially if you want to bring attention
to solving problems or experience in technologies
related to the project you're applying for.

> b) In "How to work with us" section of the organization's page, you list
> the informations we have to provide in our proposal. Do we have to follow
> the structure of this list or we are able to make small changes to the order?

I believe that everything is flexible -- except the deadlines!

> c) In the same list you add a bullet that refers on how we want to
> contribute. Is this the same as the Implementation Plan section found at
> http://write.flossmanuals.net/gsocstudentguide/proposal-example-2/, or we
> have to include a different paragraph?

if you want to add more information or details, feel free to do so.
there is no need to repeat the information under a different section heading.

-- zvr --
--  +---------------------------+       Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
    | H eytyxia den exei enoxes |       zvr [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr
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