OK, here's some initial information, based on the response for FilesDB: Technology: The software will be written in Python 3 and/or C (C11). Python will probably be perfectly fine; maybe C should be used for the collection of information runs. The database for storing the information will be SQLite, in order to minimize dependencies. License and IP: The software will be published under the BSD-2-Clause license. Each contriburor maintains authorship of their code. There is no need for copyright assignement nor for a CLA in order to participate on the project. Contributed code not written by the contributor should be clearly marked as such and put in separate directories. Do *not* contribute code if you don't have a license for it! Communication: We will continue to use this mailing list. The github repository is https://github.com/eellak/filesdb Please clone it to your accounts; we will be working with the usual workflow of pull-requests to be integrated into the main repo. Feel free to create branches for your individual work. OK, that's all for now. Let the project begin! -- -- zvr -- -- +---------------------------+ Alexios Zavras (-zvr-) | H eytyxia den exei enoxes | zvr [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr +-----------------------zvr-+
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