OK, here's some initial information, based on the response for Clio: Technology: The back-end will be written in Python, since that's the choice of the majority (sorry to those who proposed other languages like Java, PHP or Javascript). The framework was an even split between Django or Flask. We can have a short discussion about it on this list. I admit that I only have experience with Flask, but I'm certain both are more than adequate for the task. Proposals? For the front-end, there is no clear preference. THe obvious parts are HTML/CSS/Javascript, but no single Javascript framework stood out. Again, for discussion. License and IP: The software will be published under the AGPL-3 license (GNU Affero General Public License v3.0). There is no need for copyright assignement nor for a CLA in order to participate on the project. Each contriburor maintains authorship of their code. Contributed code not written by the contributor should be clearly marked as such and put in separate directories. Do *not* contribute code if you don't have a license for it! In case of doubt, please ask ahead; I'm always available. Communication: We will continue to use this mailing list. The github repository is https://github.com/eellak/clio Please clone it to your accounts; we will be working with the usual workflow of pull-requests to be integrated into the main repo. Feel free to create branches for your individual work. I assume that, at some point, discussion about specifics of the code will happen on github with issues etc.; for now, this list is the preferred venue. Besides this asynchronous email communication, if people think it would be useful, we can have a voice tele-conference on real time. Please reply if you'd be interested and we'll try to find a time convenient for all. OK, that's all for now. Let the discussions begin! -- -- zvr -- -- +---------------------------+ Alexios Zavras (-zvr-) | H eytyxia den exei enoxes | zvr [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr +-----------------------zvr-+
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