ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

[opensource-devs] Government Gazette text mining, cross linking, and codification


My name is Panagiotis Koziokas and i'm a postgraduate student at University
of Peloponnese at MSc in "Computer Science and Technology" . I'm am
interested in the project *Government Gazette text mining, cross linking,
and codification
in your ideas list on Google Summer of Code 2018 ideas page.

 I have some experience in the following technologies :

Web dev frameworks ( Flask , Web2py )
Selenium IDE & Webdriver
Sikuli IDE
Beautiful Soap library

I have gone through the project on Github and I have some questions
regarding the preparation of my proposal. I've seen that you already have
implemented some functionality for the retrieval and analysis for pdf FEK
files from (http://www.et.gr/index.php/anazitisi-fek).

In the description of the project i read " Then, heuristic rules must be
applied to detect references to other legal texts,..". Can you please
provide me the source of these "other" legal texts. Are we going to use for
example (http://www.et.gr/index.php/nomoi-proedrika-diatagmata) to download
these extra files and compare the extracted data with our data from FEK
files or we are going to use a totally different source?

Finally if you can provide me additional guidance for the current project
structure i would be grateful.

Panagiotis Koziokas

από ιούς. www.avast.com
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