Hi I am Shubham Rao, 1st year Comp. Sci. graduate student from India. This is my first year in the Google Summer of Code and I would like to begin by contributing to the Epoptes project, as I have previously used it in my school days. I would like to *Rewrite* *Epoptes in Python3* using GTK3 and GObject Introspection. The GUI and code can also be rewritten in Qt, as highlighted in the Roadmap <http://www.epoptes.org/roadmap> page. I am comfortable with Python and various libraries (including PyQt and PySide). I am confident I can learn the nitty gritty details of GTK3 along the way (I have written Beginner level code with it mostly) Please help and guide me regarding this project. With Regards, *Shubham Rao* https://cshubhamrao.me
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