Hello, I would suggest to start by installing Epoptes in a virtual environment with at least one client (standalone or LTSP). Get familiar with its features and try to tackle one issue from the issues page on GitHub [1]. Issues which may be more relevant for GSoC have the tag "gsoc". But feel free to select one without this tag, as long as it is code-related. A proposal with Qt instead of GTK+ will be surely valid and be considered with equal chances to a GTK+ one. But we would have to make sure that the user interface will remain very close to what the users are used to. Do not hesitate to ask any questions related to the code structure here. [1] https://github.com/Epoptes/epoptes/issues 2018-03-12 8:16 GMT+02:00 Shubham Rao <cshubhamrao [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>: > Hi > I am Shubham Rao, 1st year Comp. Sci. graduate student from India. > This is my first year in the Google Summer of Code and I would like to begin > by contributing to the Epoptes project, as I have previously used it in my > school days. > > I would like to Rewrite Epoptes in Python3 using GTK3 and GObject > Introspection. The GUI and code can also be rewritten in Qt, as highlighted > in the Roadmap page. > > I am comfortable with Python and various libraries (including PyQt and > PySide). I am confident I can learn the nitty gritty details of GTK3 along > the way (I have written Beginner level code with it mostly) > Please help and guide me regarding this project. > > With Regards, > Shubham Rao > https://cshubhamrao.me
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