Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Ioannis Daras and I am third year student of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens. Some days ago, I came across a very interesting project of GFOSS for Google Summer of Code; I am talking about adding Greek language to Spacy platform. I read the documentation and the challenge fascinated me. I also had an idea about an interesting feature we could add to the project. Because of that, I read the student manual and wrote my proposal accordingly. I saved it as draft so hopefully organization has access to it. I would be really thankful if you could provide me with feedback about my application. I am deeply interested about the project so I would really like to adjust my proposal in order to meet the organization requirements. Please be as strict or benevolent you like, but I would love real feedback. Thanks again and I am waiting for your response, Ioannis Daras
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