Hello, My name is Panagiotis Antoniadis and I am a 4th-year student of Electrical and Computer Engineering in National Technical University of Athens. I am interested in the project "Creation of an online Greek mail dictation system, using Sphinx and personalized acoustic/language models training". I am familiar with the concept of NLP and speech recognition after some academic projects and I hope to make a good proposal. These days, I read the documentation of Sphinx4 and started writing a draft proposal describing the whole procedure and the technologies that can be used. Regarding the technologies, I have the following questions: - The technologies that will be used (Python or Java) is something that is defined or I should present my own view in my proposal? Sphinx4 is written in Java and I didn't find a library that provides a python interface to it. PocketSphinx exists as well that can be used in Python but it is for lightweight purposes only. So, I understand that the whole project should be written in Java. But, I believe that the classification procedure should be implemented in Python in order to take advantage of all its powerful frameworks. Is it possible to use both languages using a library that connects them? If all these questions should be defined by me in my proposal and not be discussed here, let me know. - In addition, it is mentioned that "the ASR output text will be fed to the NLP (natural language processing) system that, based on the provided corpora, will auto-correct or suggest corrections on the (usually erroneous) generated text". So, the output of the asr will use the whole language model in training and then be corrected using the domain specific language model? Thanks in advance and forgive me for the long text. -- Antoniadis Panagiotis
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