ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: [GSoC21] Cms Project

Hi Sanskar,

Thanks a lot for your feedback. We will review your PR.

Regarding the project see here
for the expected results. We are open to any recommendations.

GraphQL and the other "Features in pipeline" you see in the README are not
all required for GSOC. Specifically for GraphQL we wanted to have this
feature because it is easier for an integrator to understand our APIs and
data, and get exactly what you are asking for. You are free to implement
any of them if you feel you can deliver them in the proposed timeline.

Let me know if you need any other information.

Best regards,

Ioannis Skitsas

On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 7:13 PM SANSKAR GUPTA <snskr95 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> wrote:

> Hi Mentors
> This is regarding the cms  project.
> First of all there was an issue in readme , the image url in sample
> request body to run the createResource endpoint was not working (was
> throwing 400)
> So I created an issue and a pull request for the same , requesting you to
> review it.
> Pull Request Link <https://github.com/sastix/cms/pull/10>
> Now regarding the project and possible enhancements about security,
> scalability and monitoring,I feel the following tech stack will be super
> beneficial and insanely fun to implement
> Frontend: Using material ui components to create a react  dashboard for
> executing role based endpoints.
> Security:Integrating spring security for resource access management
> Monitoring: Setting up a Grafana dashboard for constant monitoring API
> health and performance in TPS
> Scaling: Running the pods in a kubernetes pod with in place CI/CD pipeline
> , there will be no downtime during container lifecycle
> For CI/CD I would say I had some good experiences with CircleCI.
> For Archive API , any Relational DB should do the job where we can store
> meta data into separate columns or in a single string if redundancy is the
> deciding factor
> Not sure about the use case of GraphQL
> Request you to provide your thoughts on my choice of tech stack ,also
> request you to explain me the use case of graphQL in cms.
> Thanks and Regards
> Sanskar Gupta
> Masters Student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
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