ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: George Kousiouris

Hi Shivam,

Thank you for the interest in our proposal. The goal of the specific
project is to implement a set of controlling logic in the form of a
Node-RED subflow (
https://nodered.org/docs/user-guide/editor/workspace/subflows) . Hence you
will need to understand the basics about message and flow control,
configurable and manageable through a set of potential parameters (e.g.
other input messages). The idea is to apply this in order to implement
various patterns that are applicable to mainly industrial IoT processes
(e.g. PLC related logic, PID controllers etc).

So in order to proceed, you may create the proposal for your project,
targeting and proposing specific patterns or control logic that makes sense
and that seem interesting. Patterns can be from the above specific domains
or can also be extended to more typical software design approaches if
necessary (an example appears here:


George Kousiouris
Assistant Professor
Department of Informatics and Telematics
School of Digital Technology
Tel: +30 210 9549409
Email: gkousiou [ at ] hua [ dot ] gr <gkousiou [ at ] mail [ dot ] ntua [ dot ] gr>

Harokopio University of Athens
9 Omirou Str, 177 78, Tavros, Athens, Greece

On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 5:35 AM hi <shivamsahni201 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> wrote:

> Hi, George would you please tell me about what will be my better approach
> to understand Node-Red flow.
> ----
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