Thank you for your reply sir. Please check the plan I have developed below and provide some suggestions in case any change is needed. As per my understanding, my proposal will consist on 175 hours spread over 3 months from May 29th to August 20th. I will use the first 2 weeks to get myself acquainted with the sensors and actuators by performing basic experiments. Then , I will use the remaining weeks to develop the experiments specified on GitHub and document the process along the way. I will be developing dashboards using Thingsboard for each of the experiments . Once I develop each dashboard I will be pushing the code to the GitHub repository. I will be using MQTT protocol for the communication of IOT devices. By the end of the internship, I will have a working dashboard for each of the 5 experiments with proper documentation of code and usage of the dashboard. I really thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this email . Hope to hear from you soon. Yours Sincerely, Kolli Krishna Rishi On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 12:36 PM <hariton [ at ] physics [ dot ] auth [ dot ] gr> wrote: > > Dear Kolli Krishna Rishi, > > I would like you to know that at first we could work on individual > sensors and actuators and then go to do the specific system > integration. The possible set of five sensors is: distance sensor, > (humidity, pressure, and temperature combined sensor), color sensor, > angle sensor, magnetic compass sensor. A possible set of five > actuators can be: servo motor, stepper motor, RGB led, magnetic coil, > photoresistor. At first one can combine one to two sensors and one to > two actuators and perform some simple experiments and then implement > them to the specific experiments presented in github. > > The project independant to its duration has a starting day of May 29th > and two reports, one mid-report at July 14th and a final one at August > 20th. Of course we will interact in between frequently to solve > possible problems and assess progress. Therefore one has to spread the > 175 hours in the above mentioned period. As for the selection there > no additional rules on part of our organization, but of course the > candidate should comply with the GSoC rules and her/his proposal > should be the best among he applicants. > > Best wishes, > > Hariton Polatoglou > > Quoting 033 RISHI <krishnarishiitm [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>: > > > Thank you sir. > > > > Regarding the experiments, is there any specific order in which I have to > > develop the dashboard for each experiment or can I go in any order. > > > > And also, if possible, could you please provide me with all the apparatus > > and sensors and actuators that are used in each experiment so that I can > > prepare my proposal accordingly. > > > > Could you also inform me about any prerequisites for the project, because > > some organizations consider previous contributions to the organization to > > filter proposals. Since I have not made any contribution yet, will it > > impact the selection of my proposal in any manner? > > > > Since the project is medium , 175 hours, I was thinking that this would > be > > a 12 week project. Please correct me if I am wrong. > > > > I really thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this > > email . Hope to hear from you soon. > > > > Yours Sincerely, > > Kolli Krishna Rishi > > > > > > On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 1:38 AM <hariton [ at ] physics [ dot ] auth [ dot ] gr> wrote: > > > >> > >> Dear Kolli Krishna Rishi, > >> > >> thank you very much for your interest and your ideas and questions. > >> The purpose of the project is to build and program 5 IoT sensors and 5 > >> IoT actuators and 5 ThingsBoard Dashboards that will manage 5 > >> experiments. I would like you to know that "Currently available > >>" is updated. Of course the idea is that the DIY IoT > >> sensors and actuators can be used in a variety of experiments and not > >> particularly to the ones that are currently presented. If you decide > >> to participate please notice that you have to propose a specific plan. > >> In preparing your plan, I will be glad if I can be of any assistance. > >> > >> Best regards, > >> > >> Hariton Polatoglou. > >> > >> > >> Quoting 033 RISHI <krishnarishiitm [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>: > >> > >>> Hi, > >>> My name is Kolli Krishna Rishi. I am currently an under-graduate > student > >>> currently in my 3rd year,specializing in IOT,Cyber Security , > Blockchain > >>> Technology. > >>> > >>> I am interested in the DIY IoT Physics application as I have adequate > >>> knowledge in the field and am highly interested in developing the > >>> application. > >>> > >>> I am writing this email to clarify some doubts I had while reading the > >>> project statement. > >>> > >>> Firstly, The project will require testing with actual components and > >> final > >>> deployment. So, will I have to be present physically to ensure the > >>> application is working smoothly or will I have some assistance in the > >> setup > >>> of the experiment and remote access to the experiment. > >>> > >>> Secondly,The project is meant to cater to a wide range of students who > >> may > >>> need the equipment at the same time. So , how do we tackle the issue > with > >>> the limited hardware we have at hand. I had an idea to implement a > >>> waitlist, but with the growth of the number of students waiting, > students > >>> may need weeks to get their hands on the equipment. > >>> > >>> Thirdly, The project github page has only 1 experiment available. By > when > >>> expect to know about the remaining experiments and the sensors and > >>> actuators they use. This information beforehand will help me in > creating > >> a > >>> basic dashboard which will give me an edge over other applicants and > also > >>> help me start the project with adequate time to research the > experiments > >>> and their expected outcomes. > >>> > >>> And also, Since the repository hasn't been updated since 2 weeks, could > >> you > >>> please inform me the priority of this task. > >>> > >>> I really thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read > this > >>> email . Hope to hear from you soon. > >>> > >>> Yours Sincerely, > >>> Kolli Krishna Rishi > >> > >> > >> > > >
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