ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

eCodeOrama Project

Mr. Sarantos Kapidakis,

Following my initial idea to directly retrieve the project data from the page https://scratch.mit.edu/, and after your suggestion to read them as Json files, I have made some progress.

Initially, I downloaded the file in “.bs3” format and saved it locally on my hard drive. Then, I imported two libraries (Json and zip file) into Python and, after opening the file with the zip file, I was able to parse it as Json.

I noticed that within the file structure, the project data, the user’s data on the page, whether they are variables (with their names and given values), sprites (with their colors, costumes, etc.), or blocks (with their type, etc.), are indeed stored.

These objects can be located and read by type (as they are stored) and represented in the Python program as object classes designated by the user.

For example, if a user has created a project with two variables, a code block, and an additive operator, we can import these objects for further processing in our Python project.

I am trying to understand the structure of the Json file to comprehend how these separate objects interact with each other, and how they are interconnected in the part that concerns how the original page stores them in “bs3” format.

This would help me, when importing the data into the Python program, not only to create the initial classes that I import but also to reproduce the way they are connected.

This is something that requires considerable time and use on my part of the project creation program of the page https://scratch.mit.edu/, to better understand the interactions between the objects and how these are translated into the Json file I am reading. Any guidance from you would be more than valuable.

With appreciation,

Panagiotis Panageas

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