ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Interest in OpenRF 3D for GSoC 2025


My name is Samala Naga Kavya Reddy, and I’m an Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering student at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur . I’m excited about the OpenRF 3D project for GSoC 2025, especially its goal of integrating NVIDIA Sionna with Cesium for terrain-aware 6G simulations. I’ve been exploring both tools—running Sionna’s ray-tracing examples and setting up Cesium with terrain data—and I’m eager to contribute to this innovative work.

I’m reaching out to introduce myself and get advice on preparing a strong GSoC proposal. For example, are there specific aspects of the WebSocket pipeline or 3GPP TR38.901 integration you’d recommend I focus on early? and also, any specific suggestions if you can provide. I’d love to align my efforts for the project.

Thank you for your time ! I’d be happy to provide more details about my background or discuss this further.

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