Dear Anastasios and Efstathios, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my strong interest in contributing to the MyUni project under GSOC. Following my conversation with last year’s GSOC contributor and my previous contributions to my college management systems, I have prepared an Analysis and Design document covering system analysis, a feasibility study, user stories, EPICS, and requirements analysis, which is attached for your review. In addition, I am developing a detailed vision for a four- to five-month plan outlining the project's next steps. I have also sketched some initial wireframes that I plan to convert into high-fidelity mockups using Figma. I would appreciate your guidance on the following points: • *Use-Case Diagram:* I have developed a verbal representation of the use cases along with some additional ideas. Would it be beneficial at this stage to formalize these into a detailed use-case diagram? • *Agile Approach:* I propose adopting an agile software development methodology to facilitate iterative delivery and continuous improvement throughout the project. Agile development can be integrated with a microservices architecture, allowing independent deployment and scaling of various components, with individual instances for the frontend and backend. • *Multi-Domain Support:* Could you please advise if I need to implement configurable domain-based instances or use containerization (e.g., Docker or Kubernetes) to streamline deployment across different university infrastructures? Furthermore, to ease our communication and enable quick clarifications, would it be possible to connect via Discord? I understand that communications should avoid social media channels such as LinkedIn, and I will adhere to this guideline. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your feedback and guidance. Best regards, Ishpreet Singh ishpreet36752 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com GitHub: Attachments: Analysis and Design Document , Low-Level Design/Wireframes
Analysis and Design myuni template.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document
Scan 10 Mar 25 06·33·11.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
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