Hello, My name is Samala Naga Kavya Reddy, and I’m an Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering student at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur . I’m excited about the OpenRF 3D project for GSoC 2025, especially its goal of integrating NVIDIA Sionna with Cesium for terrain-aware 6G simulations. I’ve been exploring both tools—running Sionna’s ray-tracing examples and setting up Cesium with terrain data—and I’m eager to contribute to this innovative work. I’m reaching out to introduce myself and get advice on preparing a strong GSoC proposal. For example, are there specific aspects of the WebSocket pipeline or 3GPP TR38.901 integration you’d recommend I focus on early? and also, any specific suggestions if you can provide. I’d love to align my efforts for the project. Thank you ! I’d be happy to provide more details about my background or discuss this further.
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