ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: Format Odigon.

Kostas Koumantaros wrote [edited]:
> Η ομάδα εργασίας ΕΛ/ΛΑΚ του ΕΔΕΤ [...]
> κατέληξε οτι το format OpenOffice.org XML είναι το 
> καταλληλότερο για τη συγκεκριμένη εργασία.

OK, kalo poy brethhke mia katalhksh.
Molis koitaksa to OpenOffice.org XML format.
Kata th gnwmh moy (e, nai, den antexw, tha thn pw)
einai akribws o,ti nomiza: XML gia DTP programmata
(formatted text, spreadsheets, klp.).
Oxi XML gia content (dhl. einai presentation markup, oxi semantic).
O,ti swnei kai to MS-Office, dhladh, alla fysika anoikto (kai gnwsto).

O kathenas tha xrhsimopoiei o,ti styles thelei ?

Problepw oti h "metatroph se Docbook XML" poy anaferthhke
tha einai... endiaferoysa (poly dyskolh ews adynath).

Den peirazei, omws, tha apokththei empeiria sto OpenOffice.org
(ennow to software poy xeirizetai ayto to format).

Paraklhsh pros toys syggrafeis:
an kai to format (kai to ergaleio) den sas ypoxrewnei,
parakalw prospathhste na xrhsimopoihsete *semantic* markup.
On second thought, no need to bother: de nomizw oti to content
tha xrhsimopoihthei alloy (makari na bgw lathos).

Kalh dynamh,
empros sth doyleia!
-- zvr --
--  +---------------------------+       Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
    | H eytyxia den exei enoxes |       zvr [ at ] pobox [ dot ] com



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