The "Libre Software Meeting" is mainly a set of lectures, grouped by topic.
Those topics are grouped in technical topics, targeted to an audience of
specialists, and in mass audience topics, that do not have pre-requisites.
However, a topic can be in the same time technical and mass audience. That is in
fact in adequation with the spirit of the meeting: sharing and letting very
different individuals meet."Mass audience" topics are mostly in french,
"technical" topics are mostly in english.
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<h1><font size=+4><b> Program</b></font></h1>
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<!-- Program -->
<h1>Topic list</h1>
<p>The "Libre Software Meeting" is mainly a set of <i>lectures</i>, grouped by <i>topic</i>. Those topics are grouped in <i>technical</i> topics, targeted to an audience of specialists, and in <i>mass audience</i> topics, that do not have pre-requisites. However, a topic can be in the same time technical and mass audience. That is in fact in adequation with the spirit of the meeting: sharing and letting very different individuals meet.<br/>"Mass audience" topics are mostly in french, "technical" topics are mostly in english.</p>
<h2>"Mass audience" topics</h2>
<li>"Free software for local and state administrations" topic, headed by Mr François Elie (<a href='' class=''></a>), from ADULLACT (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=5">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free software for research" topic, headed by Mr Michel Lavaud (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=5">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free software for businesses" topic, headed by Mr Jean-Pierre Laisné (<a href='' class=''></a>), from BULL (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=6">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free software for education" topic, headed by Mr Jean Peyratout (<a href='' class=''></a>) and Thierry Stoehr (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=7">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Law, Economy, Politic and libre software" topic, headed by Mr Frédéric Couchet (<a href='' class=''></a>) and Alexandre Dulaunoy (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=8">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free software for sustainable development" topic, headed by Mr Pierre Ouedraogo (<a href='' class=''></a>)</li>
<li>"Societal aspects of free software" topic, headed by Miss Coralie Paulhac (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=10">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Extending Free Software principles beyond the IT sphere" topic, headed by Mr Raphaël Rousseau (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=11">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free software for end users" topic, headed by Mr Christophe Merlet (<a href='' class=''></a>) and Mr Laurent Rathle (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=12">program</a>)</li>
<li>"LaTex/TeX/Metafont" topic, headed by Mr Daniel Flipo (<a href='' class=''></a>) and Mr Fabrice Popineau (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=13">program</a>)</li>
<li>Plenary sessions, headed by Mr Ludovic Pénet (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=29">program</A>)</li>
<h2>"Technical" topics</h2>
<li>"Medecine" topic, headed by Mr Simion Pruna (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=14">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Accessibility" topic, headed by par Mr Thomas Cerha (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=15">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Computer music" topic, headed by Mr Marco Trevisani (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=16">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free software for communication" topic, headed by Mr Aymeric Moizard (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=17">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Security" topic, headed by Mr Matthieu Blanc (<a href='' class=''></a>) and Mr Niels Provos (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=18">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Documentation" topic, headed by Mr Guylhem Aznar (<a href='' class=''></a>)</li>
<li>"Kernel and operating system programming" topic, headed by Mr Thomas Petazzoni (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=20">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Databases" topic, headed by Mr Jean-Louis Leroy (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=21">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free Software for Geographic Applications" topic, headed by Mr Benjamin Henrion (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=22">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Very high level languages for writing applications" topic, headed by Mr Fabrice Popineau (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=23">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free games" topic, headed by Mr Adrien Saumier (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=25">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Embedded" topic, headed by Mr Olivier Viné (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=26">program</a>)</li>
<li>"Free middlewares", headed by Mr Guillaume Rivière (<a href='' class=''></a>) (<a href="view_topic.php?topic_id=28">program</A>)</li>
<p>If you want to participate as a speaker to a topic or to propose a sub-topic, do not hesitate to contact the corresponding chairman/chairwoman.</p>
<p>The final schedule is available <a target="new" href="anonymous_global_timetable.php?print=1">here</a>. When you are a <A href="../registration/">registered participant</a>, you can compose your personnal schedule by putting down conferences.</p>
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