ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: [opensource-devs] Fwd: GSOC 2017 Application - Comment

  • Subject: Re: [opensource-devs] Fwd: GSOC 2017 Application - Comment
  • From: Georgios Tsoukalas <gtsouk [ at ] grnet [ dot ] gr>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2017 12:39:50 +0300

Regarding Zeus item "Voting Systems and Ballots Specification",
it would be useful to provide some thoughts and planning. For example:

- Study the currently supported ballot formats and counting,
  by reading the codebase and/or using zeus.grnet.gr (you can create a
  demo account). Note any usability issues.
  For example, it is common for voters to search for a "blank vote"
  option, not realizing that the blank vote can be cast by not selecting
  anything. Election officials often include a "blank vote" choice in
  their ballot, not realizing that they create two "blank vote" options
  for their voters.

- Survey the various ballot formats and counting systems and find out
  which are or can be easily supported by Zeus and study the way they
  are laid out for usability.

- For each supported ballot format, document the proposed changes
  by describing:
  - The technical representation of the ballot format (e.g. its
    structure in JSON)
  - The visual representation of the ballot at the in-browser booth.
  - Also address issues such as:
    - Small screen/big ballot/long candidate names/long question text
    - Multiple clicks
    - Connectivity errors and network lag
    - Preview of ballot choices
    - Allowable characters and formatting

- After the proposed changes have been reviewed, implement and test

Please, ask if there are any more specific questions.

On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 09:51:59AM +0300, Kostas Papadimas wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ανδρέας Τσόλκας <tsolkas [ dot ] andreas [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
> Date: 2017-03-28 17:34 GMT+03:00
> Subject: GSOC 2017 Application - Comment
> To: info [ at ] eellak [ dot ] gr, Panos Louridas <louridas [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
> Greetings,
> I have recently applied for the Zeus project as part of GFOSS's Google
> Summer Of Code 2017 ideas. I am currently at the draft state, so I can
> modify my proposal as I see fit. Is there anything specific that I should
> include, other than the information stated in GFOSS's GSOC page? Do you
> have any other comments on the current state of my proposal?
> Awaiting your response,
> Best regards,
> Andreas Tsolkas
> -- 
> Κώστας Παπαδήμας
> ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Οργανισμός Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών http://eellak.gr
> 2107474271

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   Georgios Tsoukalas
    gtsouk [ at ] grnet [ dot ] gr
Λαμβάνετε αυτό το μήνυμα απο την λίστα: Γενική λίστα αλληλογραφίας που απευθύνεται σε developers/contributors έργων ανοικτού λογισμικού - A general discussion list for developers/contributors of open-source projects,

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