Hello, Regarding Zeus item "Better PDF generation and Mobile-friendly Browser View", here are some possible considerations for planning: - A review of the current html/pdf formatting of results in Zeus will help identify issues and possible enhancements. - There should probably be modular support for each type of ballot format and counting system. - Presentation of ballots/results in html and pdf should be co-ordinated. - Result document should provide customization to election authorities (e.g. logos, custom text) - Careful handling of special characters, internationalization, long text lines - Result documents must contain cryptographic identifiers that point to the complete data and proofs generated by election process. Perhaps they could be enhanced with better styling, QR codes, etc. - Which documents should be printable to pdf? Results? Candidates? Voter list? Trustee members? Ballots? Election info? - Does pdf generation happen at the backend, frontend, or both? - Find the most suitable pdf generation library. - There is a possible relationship between this task and the "Voting Systems and Ballots Specification" one. Investigate how to better define and represent ballot formats and election procedures. This help both booth and result presentation. -- Georgios Tsoukalas gtsouk [ at ] grnet [ dot ] gr
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