Hi fellow Developers, Warm Greetings, I am Rohan Goel, a final year undergraduate student from India and am interested in the project *Government Gazette text mining, cross linking, and codification <https://ellak.gr/wiki/index.php?title=GSOC2018_Projects#Government_Gazette_text_mining.2C_cross_linking.2C_and_codification> *highlighted in your ideas list on Google Summer of Code 2018 ideas page. I have previously successfully completed GSoC in 2016 and since I find data-mining and information retrieval and I hope to contribute to the same project in GSoC 2018 under your organisation. If you are interested you can go through my CV here <https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B2HVlcYilD4eTnlvNTZRcGFVUVU> and find me on github here <http://github.com/rohangoel96>. I have gone through the existing code for the project on github <https://github.com/arisp8/gazette-analysis> and I am looking for guidance on how to start contributing to the project and also on writing the proposal. Any help, especially from the mentors or the present contributors would be really helpful. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks a ton, Rohan Goel http://rohangoel96.github.io/
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