ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

[opensource-devs] Interested in the GSoC project: Files DB


I am an undergraduate Computer Science and Engineering student at Amrita
School of Engineering, Amritapuri, India. I have 2 years of experience with
Python and Django and have worked on various projects including a Club
management system[1] which helps members manage student details,
registrations, and events. I have also contributed to Distro-tracker[2], an
opensource project in Debian which keeps track of Debian packages.

I feel that my experience and skill sets matches the project. It would be a
great opportunity to be a part of the GFOSS community and contribute for
the greater good.

I am interested in working on the project FilesDB and It would be great to
get feedback.

Since it's mentioned on the Ideas page of Files DB[0] that it would be
worthwhile to provide a Web interface, I would like to implement it using
Python-Django framework. Django ORM will make it easy to use most of the
database servers including SQLite out of the box.

The command line utility can be separate from the Django application and
can use a rest API to communicate to the server. The os module in Python
can be used to get the meta-data about the files, and hashes can be taken
using various python packages.

I have gone through the notes provided at github.com/zvr/filesdb [3] and
have few queries regarding the project idea.

   - It's mentioned that `Individual SQLite files seem to be the perfect
   point between functionality and complexity`., does that mean the command
   line utility should create an SQLite file for the first scan of a folder?
   - Should subsequent scans on different folder update the DB with changes
   or create a new DB file?
   - What could be the search criteria that can be used to search a file?
   - Can the web server handle the various questions that can be asked
   about the file: how many files, how many files larger than X etc. or should
   it be handled by the command line utility.

[0] https://ellak.gr/wiki/index.php?title=GSOC2018_Projects#Files_DB
[1] https://github.com/amfoss/fosswebsite
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/qa/distro-tracker/merge_
[3] https://github.com/zvr/filesdb

With Regards,

Chirath R
BTech, 4th year, CSE
FOSS@Amrita <http://foss.amrita.ac.in/>, Amrita University
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<https://in.linkedin.com/pub/chirath-r/103/534/97a> | Github

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