Dear all, I am sending this email to declare my interest for the project of Sampling and volume approximation project of GSoC 2018 hosted at and-volume-approximation . I am a Graduate student at the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications of National & Kapodistrian University of Athens at the M.Sc. specialization of Theoretical Computer Science. I have been working on volume approximation problems during my master thesis. We used and generalize volesti algorithm to non-linear convex bodies and we practically tested it for non-convex bodies. The most important results of the project are going to be represented at SOCG 2018 as a paper titled "Practical Volume Computation of Structured Convex Bodies, and an Application to Modeling Portfolio Dependencies and Financial Crises" as you can see at accepted_papers.xml . In the next few days I will upload a draft so I could get comments and feedback for my proposal. Thanks in advance, Apostolos Chalkis
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