ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Google Summer of Code 2019 - Development of an open source Greek Spelling and Grammatical dictionary

Good evening,

my name is Jason Manoloudis, I am a student at the Computer Science Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and I would be highly interested in the project entitled "Development of an open source Greek Spelling and Grammatical dictionary"

During the previous days I familiarized myself with the AfterTheDeadline API, understanding that I definitely could and would love to work with it. Regarding experience on the knowledge prerequisites, I feel confident using Python, have worked (and still working) with different rdbms while I am familiar with c/c++ over university projects. I have both used and developed REST apis with Python and have worked on spreadsheet logic on Excel with VBA integrating apis, which seemed similar to LibreOffice Basic after looking online.

Given the above, I believe I could contribute to this GFOSS project and meet the project's expectations. I would be more than happy to use any guidance as well as the the time between the applications period and the beginning of the development to enhance or learn new skills that might be required.

I would like to ask for a link to existing work on the project, if any, since it is not provided on the wiki as well as guidance on contributing to a related GFOSS project and writing the proposal.

Looking forward to your response.

Kind regards,
Jason Manoloudis.

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