ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

GSoC 2021- PackegeInfo WebApp - Hrishikesh

Greetings Ellak Community!

I would like to have some inputs about the ''PackageInfo WebApp" project
from the mentor. I saw a message about creating a stream for the project in
the matrix in the Element app but has not been created yet, so using mail.

I have started preparing the outline and currently working on exploring the
possibilities of frameworks. I was thinking about ReachtJS/AngularJS for
the frontend, MySQL/Postgres for the Database shell, Django/Flask backend
(Personal inclination towards React and Django).

Just curious if there is a specific reason for choosing a python backend?
As it would be also possible with Javascript (Nodejs and Expressjs) backend
which would go well with the frontend, although Python is also fine.
Also, wanted to know if Continuous Integration needs to be implemented in
case there is a plan for an extension of this project furthermore after the
website is created into something broader. If the plan is to limit the
project to the specified objectives on the ideas-page, then I don't think
software testing would be a need.

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