ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: Iason Manoloudis - Workflow and Parallelization patterns for Node-RED

  • Subject: Re: Iason Manoloudis - Workflow and Parallelization patterns for Node-RED
  • From: Georgios Kousiouris <gkousiou [ at ] hua [ dot ] gr>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 15:24:32 +0200
Dear Jason,

Thank you for your email and interest in our project. As mentioned in our
direct email, we include here some further details that can aid applicants
in writing the proposal application. The project revolves around the idea
of using Node-RED as an orchestrator for FaaS functions. For a first look
and feel of the scope you can visit this technical report:

Initial flows that have been created on this scope and can be used as
examples can be found here:

Points for contribution around the proposal include:
- Adaptation of a coordinating logic on the node-red environment by
creating a relevant flow that implements it. This flow may regulate how
Openwhisk functions are invoked, results gathered and forwarded to new
functions etc. Coordinating logic can be inspired by:

   - workflow constructs or primitives (e.g.
   - parallel or distributed computing primitives (e.g. MPI-related
   patterns for distributing work
   - Cloud design patterns rationale (
   https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/patterns/), for
   which a relevant flow can be implemented to support them

-Packaging of that flow as a subflow and adding parameters of operation and
configuration (from the UI or through the incoming message fields)

Don't worry about lack of knowledge in Openwhisk. Openwhisk and the
specifics of FaaS  affect somehow the way the flow needs to be designed and
executed, however we can guide you through these peculiarities.

George Kousiouris
Assistant Professor
Department of Informatics and Telematics
School of Digital Technology
Tel: +30 210 9549409
Email: gkousiou [ at ] hua [ dot ] gr <gkousiou [ at ] mail [ dot ] ntua [ dot ] gr>

Harokopio University of Athens
9 Omirou Str, 177 78, Tavros, Athens, Greece

από ιούς. www.avast.com

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 11:06 AM Iason Manoloudis <manoloudisiason [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>

> Good morning,
> My name is Iason Manoloudis and I would like to express my interest in
> undertaking the "Workflow and Parallelization patterns for Node-RED"
> project for GSoC 2022 with Ellak. Following is a brief of my working
> experience related to the project, for your consideration.
> I am a former GSoC participant, cohort of 2019, having successfully
> completed the program, working together with the OpenStreetMap
> organization's community. It was by all means a great experience and it
> makes me happy to see that for the first time this year GSoC provides
> everyone with the opportunity to experience this. Here you may find a small
> article in Google's Open Source Blog about my time in the program then
> while in this link you may find the project's archive.
> I have been largely exposed to Node-RED before as I have made use of it
> both during my bachelor's thesis and in a corporate environment, creating
> logistics-management applications hosted on Raspberry Pi as well as Proof
> of Concept web applications (link to a repository on my personal GitHub
> account). I also have significant experience using FaaS (AWS Lambda and
> Azure Functions) as an integral part of my day to day work thus I am
> confident I will be able to "migrate" to working with OpenWhisk in a short
> amount of time.
> I would really like to further familiarize myself with the specific
> project so I would like to kindly ask you to let me know whether there are
> any open tasks that would help me do that.
> Thank you in advance!
> Best regards,
> Iason Manoloudis
> ----
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