ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: GSoC 2022

Dear Spiros,
Thank you for your email and your interest in the project.
The expected outcome of the project is to extend the current DIY robot (
https://github.com/eellak/gsoc2019-diyrobot) that has been extended in 2021
with Node-Red capabilities (
to support integration with blockly.
You can also download and print the 3d prints of the robot and start
assembling it in order to have a working prototype in your hands.
Kind regards

Iraklis Varlamis
Assoc. Professor
Department of Informatics and Telematics
Harokopio University of Athens
Tel: +302109549405
Fax: +302109549401
Web: http://www.dit.hua.gr/~varlamis/

On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 3:49 PM Spiros Mess <spirosmess [ at ] yahoo [ dot ] gr> wrote:

> Hi !
> My name is Spiros Messinis.
> While I was looking at the proposed ideas I found that
> the Development of a DIY robot kit for educators
> matched my skills, as I have experience with python,
>  robots and also with teaching!
> Also I have already started creating my own Google Blockly Blocks
> to better understand the project.
> I already have send an email at the emailing list but I got no responce
>  and I am sending you an email also, to further clarify the expected
> results
> of the project.
> I have started writing a proposal and I think I have
> understood the results but I want to know if there is
> something I am missing!
> Thanks you very much,
> Spiros
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