ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: Applying for Apothesis project

Dear Mohit,

thank you for your interest in our project.

I kindly ask you to build apothesis in order to perform some tests.

Best regards,


Στις 28/3/2023 3:59 μ.μ., ο/η Mohit Tewari έγραψε:
Dear sir/ma'am,
I would like to apply to the GSOC 2023 for the idea of *Creating new lattices for Apothesis*. I have the basic requirement of knowledge in elementary physics and C++ coding skills. I am willing to spend the mentioned 350 hours on this idea.
Kindly consider me for working on the above-mentioned project.

Best regards,
Mohit Tewari
PhD Scholar || nanoDC Lab
Electrical Engineering
IIT Gandhinagar

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