ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: Re: Wrong name of a country

Thanasis Douitsis wrote [edited]:
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 07:57:08AM +0000, fateswarm wrote:
>> To episimo onoma einai Macedonia.
> Edv alla leei...
> http://www.un.org/Overview/unmember.html

Oxi.  Leei aplws oti ta Hnwmena Ethnh apofasisan na kanoyn melos
"the State being provisionally referred to
for all purposes within the United Nations
as "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"
pending settlement of the difference that had arisen over its name."

De leei tipota gia "epishmo" onoma --
leei aplws oti sta UN to kratos
ayto tha anaferetai ws TfYRoM.

Den eimai kan sigoyros ti shmainei h ennoia "epishmo" onoma kratoys.

Se kathe periptwsh, mporei h syzhthsh na afhsei thn open-source list ?
-- zvr --
--  +---------------------------+       Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
    | H eytyxia den exei enoxes |       zvr [ at ] pobox [ dot ] com


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