ΕΕΛ/ΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Fw: Re: den xero an i alli lista (GREEK-LINUX-USERS) doulevei kanonika

Γεια σας

Προωθώ στη λίστα την απάντηση που έδωσα στον zeppelin, όταν 4 μέρες πριν
έθεσε το ίδιο ερώτημα στη λίστα migra2linux του hellug (και στην lgu). Ο
zeppelin δεν απάντησε στο παρακάτω και προφανώς ούτε και διάβασε το

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 22:41:38 +0300
From: Serafeim Zanikolas <serzan [ at ] it [ dot ] teithe [ dot ] gr>
To: migrate2linux [ at ] lists [ dot ] hellug [ dot ] gr
Subject: Re: den xero an i alli lista (GREEK-LINUX-USERS) doulevei kanonika

> On Thu, 15 May 2003 12:17:50 +0300
> zeppelin <zeppelin [ at ] techteam [ dot ] gr> wrote:
> > DOREAN (toulaxiston i paroxi tou software) kai telika odigoumaste se 
> > xespitoma kai anergia mia megali omadas SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT
> Η απάντηση έρχεται από το 1998.
> [http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/software-libre-commercial-viability.html]
> As more and more people are choosing Free Software to address their
> needs, I'm sure some software companies will try to demonize GNU/Linux
> and both the Free Software and the Open Source movements because they
> are losing their own market share. Such companies will probably try to
> demonstrate that IT employment is decreasing and that humankind is being
> damaged by the general adoption of Free Software. 
> ...
> For example, I and others wrote a program for a local physiology center
> to analyze data for a typical kind of experiment. During two years of
> use, the physicians found so many ways to enhance the program that it is
> now reported as better than the commercial solutions. The total of all
> fees they paid during these years reveals the program to be more
> expensive in the end than some of the commercial alternatives. This fact
> is not relevant to my clients, as they have exactly what they want and
> they know they can have more should the need arise. The program is
> obviously Free Software and other centers expressed interest in getting
> a copy.
> ...
> In short, I see no need for software companies to keep exclusive rights
> on their products; the support environment is big enough to offer good
> business positions in Information Technologies. Those who want to be at
> the top could use some of the revenue to pay for Free Software
> development, thus gaining access to the best software before anyone else
> and associating their name with software products. As a matter of fact,
> this practice is already pursued by the big distributions.
> Εν ολίγοις τα χρήματα που κανονικά θα έδινε ένας οργανισμός για άδειες
> χρήσης μπορεί να τα δώσει για υποστήριξη και παραμετροποίηση ενός free
> προγράμματος.

 -- End of forwarded message --

Serafeim Zanikolas

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