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Fwd: Announcing ConnMan.net

Gia opoion endiaferetai ;-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marcel Holtmann <holtmann [ at ] linux [ dot ] intel [ dot ] com>
Date: 2009/6/23
Subject: Announcing ConnMan.net
To: linux-wireless [ at ] vger [ dot ] kernel [ dot ] org, netdev [ at ] vger [ dot ] kernel [ dot ] org
Κοιν: jukka [ dot ] rissanen [ at ] nokia [ dot ] com

Intel and Nokia are pleased to jointly launch the ConnMan project, an
open source project to accelerate and expand development of Internet
connection management for Linux Devices. ConnMan will be utilized as a
technology within Moblin and Maemo. Connman.net is now the place to
bring developers together who are interested in furthering the
development of Internet connection management within Linux. Review the
source code for more information. ConnMan is licensed under GPLv2, and
provides a daemon for managing Internet connections within Linux
devices. ConnMan is a fully modular system that can be extended, through
plugins, to support all kinds of wired or wireless technologies.
Configuration methods, like DHCP and domain name resolving, are
implemented using plug-ins as well. The plug-in approach allows for easy
adaption and modification for various use cases. Nokia and Intel will
jointly maintain the ConnMan project. We'd like to invite all developers
to join the connman.net effort and community.

Marcel Holtmann, Intel Open Source Technology Center
Jukka Rissanen, Nokia Devices, Maemo Software

As you read this post global entropy rises. Have Fun ;-)