ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: [opensource-devs] Fwd: Google Summer Of Code 2017

[please use the list, for transparency purposes]

Anshumaan Parashar wrote [edited]:
> This is regarding Clio. I have the following questions :-
> 1. Does a user who has the permission to create a complex component also
> have the permission to modify the catalog?

Not necessarily; it should be treated a different access rights:
- user X can modify the catalog
- user Y can modify complex component A
- user Z can modify complex component B

> I ask this because in case a
> complex component is to be added, it may have a relationship to a simple
> component that is not yet included in the catalog.

yes, that's correct.
in the above example, user Y may not be able to complete his work
until user X has updated the catalog of simple components.
that's understandable -- and expected.
in real-life situations, modifying the catalog would be done
by a dedicated team, and might involve other (external) processes

> 2. There is a line in the project description under the paragraph on
> "Files" that says-
> "However, it would desirable to be able to load (and update) this
> information by the means of SPDX files." I want to confirm if this means
> that a particular file among the SPDX files contains a list of files
> contained in the software component, and the system must be able to read
> this file and update the database? I do not have much knowledge about SPDX,
> so it would be nice to have this cleared.

no, much simpler than that.
components might have an SPDX file associated with them.
CLIO should be able to store (and reproduce) this file.
it is *not* expected to process the file (for example,
to extract the list of filenames, as you say).
this is definitely extra work which I fear will raise
the complexity of the whole project, so let's stay
with simply handling the SPDX info as a black box.

-- zvr --
--  +---------------------------+       Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
    | H eytyxia den exei enoxes |       zvr [ at ] zvr [ dot ] gr
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