ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Reg PackageInfo WebApp

Hi Alexios,

I had uploaded my draft proposal a few days back. Today, I noticed
editing/comment access wasn't provided. I've fixed it. I would like to get
your feedback.

Some doubts again.
1.  Do we want the swhids in a database for non-archived packages as well
(we will not display them to users until they are archived in future). I
tried to understand the calculation process of the ids. Though it is only
dependent on source code, I doubt if the SWHIDs will change or not if in
future the packages get archived with newer versions and revisions in them.
Should we get those swhids in the db or not?

2. Let's say I have two methods for a solution, don't know which one would
sound better to you. In that case, can two almost identical proposals with
minor changes be submitted for the same project? Would it cause any

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