ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: GSoC Projects : Deepbots

Hello Vedant,

Thanks for the revision. I think that proposal is well structure. I have
just two additional comments.

The only part that I think is missing is the examples that the
infrastructure is going to be employed. In order to build the GA
infrastructure we have to test it in a simple example (such as
cartpole). Thus, I recommend to describe an example that is going to be
used in order to test the GA infrastructure.

Regarding to GAs in DRL, we can focus on a simpler algorithm such as
pytorch-neat from Uber research. If we build the GA infrastructure,
pytorch-neat could be easily integrated

Best regards,


On 4/10/21 11:29 PM, Vedant Kandarp Shah wrote:
> Sending this to the mailing list
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Manos,
> Thanks for the feedback on my previous draft. I have updated the
> proposal keeping in mind your suggestions. Would be great if you can
> go through it and give me your feedback. I have made the timeline to
> the best of my understanding. However, if you feel that it is a bit
> skewed with respect to the division of tasks, kindly let me know.
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Vedant
> On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 1:58 AM Vedant Kandarp Shah
> <f20180566 [ at ] goa [ dot ] bits-pilani [ dot ] ac [ dot ] in
> <mailto:f20180566 [ at ] goa [ dot ] bits-pilani [ dot ] ac [ dot ] in>> wrote:
>     Hi Manos,
>     Thanks for the feedback on my previous draft. I have updated the
>     proposal keeping in mind your suggestions. Would be great if you
>     can go through it and give me your feedback. I have made the
>     timeline to the best of my understanding. However, if you feel
>     that it is a bit skewed with respect to the division of tasks,
>     kindly let me know.
>     Thanks
>     Regards,
>     Vedant
>     On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 4:16 PM Vedant Shah
>     <f20180566 [ at ] goa [ dot ] bits-pilani [ dot ] ac [ dot ] in
>     <mailto:f20180566 [ at ] goa [ dot ] bits-pilani [ dot ] ac [ dot ] in>> wrote:
>         Hi Manos,
>         Sure. I didn’t get any time to update the proposal since you
>         last reviewed it. However, I’ll update the draft today,
>         keeping in mind your suggestions and send it back to you for
>         feedback.
>         Thanks,
>         Vedant
>         Sent from Mail
>         <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
>         *From: *Manos Kirtas <mailto:manolis [ dot ] kirt [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
>         *Sent: *08 April 2021 16:09
>         *To: *Vedant Shah <mailto:f20180566 [ at ] goa [ dot ] bits-pilani [ dot ] ac [ dot ] in>
>         *Subject: *Re: [gsoc-developers] GSoC Projects : Deepbots
>         Hi again,
>         Additionally, you have to include a timeline on your proposal
>         that it will explain what you going to do in each week of the
>         given timeline
>         Best regards,
>         Manos.
>         On 8/4/21 1:37 μ.μ., Manos Kirtas wrote:
>             Hi Vedant,
>             I have provided you a feedback on GDoC. Please revise your
>             draft proposal accordingly and contact me in order to
>             provide an up-to-dated feedback. Your proposal is well
>             structured, I feel that you need some clarifications about
>             what's your milestones
>             Thank you,
>             Manos. 
>             On 11/3/21 1:51 μ.μ., Vedant Shah wrote:
>                 Hi Manos,
>                 Thanks for the reply and thanks a lot for all the
>                 useful tips on how to get started! I’ll start working
>                 with Webots and Deepbots straight way and will
>                 definitely get back to you for further discussion
>                 regarding this. Looking forward to working on this
>                 with you.
>                 Regards,
>                 Vedant
>                 Sent from Mail
>                 <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
>                 Windows 10
>                 *From: *Manos Kirtas <mailto:manolis [ dot ] kirt [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
>                 *Sent: *11 March 2021 04:57 PM
>                 *To: *Vedant Shah
>                 <mailto:f20180566 [ at ] goa [ dot ] bits-pilani [ dot ] ac [ dot ] in>;
>                 gsoc-developers [ at ] ellak [ dot ] gr <mailto:gsoc-developers [ at ] ellak [ dot ] gr>
>                 *Subject: *Re: [gsoc-developers] GSoC Projects : Deepbots
>                 Hello Vedant,
>                 I am glad to hear that you are interested in
>                 contributing to deepbots project! Indeed, your plan
>                 seems that is the best way to be prepared for the GSoC
>                 proposal phase. First of all, feel free to contact us
>                 via email for any help or open a discussion at
>                 project's github page. In order to be familiar with
>                 webots and deepbots you can try to run and reproduce
>                 the examples included at deepworlds repository. There
>                 are extensive tutorials in deepbots-tutorials
>                 repository. If you find a bug or develop a fix you are
>                 welcome to open an issue or PR respectively. After all
>                 you can checkout the deepbots' issues which are tagged
>                 with 'ideal first issue' in order to be familiar with
>                 the codebase.
>                 Feel free to contact us for help. You can join GFOSS
>                 <https://matrix.to/#/%23gsoc2021:chat.ellak.gr?via=chat.ellak.gr&via=matrix.org>
>                 matrix channel as well.
>                 Best regards,
>                 Manos.
>                 On 11/3/21 5:22 π.μ., Vedant Shah wrote:
>                     Hello everyone,
>                     I am Vedant Shah, a pre-final year undergraduate
>                     student at BITS Pilani, India. I am primarily
>                     interested in two projects hosted by GFOSS for
>                     GSoC 2021: “Extend Deepbots to support
>                     stable-baseline and implement gym style default
>                     Reinforcement Learning Experiments” and “Extend
>                     Deepbots to support evolutionary algorithms”.
>                     A little bit on my background: I have been working
>                     in the fields of deep learning and (especially)
>                     reinforcement learning for quite some time now and
>                     have worked on / am working on several related
>                     projects and research. As a part of these, I have
>                     significant experience with working with deep
>                     learning frameworks like PyTorch, tensorflow, etc.
>                     and also with tools specific to reinforcement
>                     learning such as OpenAI gym, stable-baselines,
>                     rllib, etc. I am also a core-contributors to a
>                     pytorch first reinforcement learning library. A
>                     part from reinforcement learning, I have also
>                     worked in robotics on tasks such as navigation,
>                     motion planning and control.
>                     I have always been interested in real-world
>                     reinforcement learning and specially it’s
>                     applications in robotics. IMy avid interests in
>                     real-world RL is the main driving  factor behind
>                     be choosing these projects (I’ll be happy to work
>                     on any of these). Although I am not familiar with
>                     Webots **yet** it seems like a really actionable
>                     platform for testing out algorithms in context of
>                     robotics. I have grown familiar to deepbots over
>                     the past couple of days and am pretty confident I
>                     can pull (any of) these two projects off.
>                     Currently I have a very rough plan of action in
>                     mind which includes
>                      1. Getting comfortable with Webots (can be done
>                         before the actual work period begins)
>                      2. Researching upon some relevant evolutionary
>                         algorithms (for eg. which have been proved to
>                         be robust to noisy data) which can be used in
>                         context of robotics
>                      3. Start implementing those
>                     For the stable-baselines project, I am already
>                     familiar and have used stable-baselines before and
>                     directly jump to integrating it once I am familiar
>                     Webots (again, this can be done before the actual
>                     work period begins). I am aware that these plan of
>                     action is not very detailed and is very unrefined.
>                     So I’d like to get in touch with the mentors Manos
>                     Kirtas, Konstantinos Tsampazis, Nikolaos Passalis
>                     to discuss the project further. Looking forward to
>                     hearing from you soon!
>                     Regards,
>                     Vedant
>                     Sent from Mail
>                     <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>
>                     for Windows 10
>                     ----
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