ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: GSOC 24 (Greeklish-to-Greek: Development of an open-source and state-of-the-art toolkit)

Hi Spyro, thanks for your interest. Indeed, your experience tends to align
with the project's requirements!

We have updated the project idea description on ELLAK's website. Now, you
can see a pre-print of our paper so you can have more technical details as

We are interested in open-sourcing one of the best-performing researched
models, aka one of the T5 (or LSTM) variants, so the community can easily
convert Greek to Greeklish.

The contributor will have to build a friendly Python wrapper on top of it.
I believe that sticking to the gr-nlp-toolkit code abstractions would be a
great start for this.

Looking forward for your proposal!

On Sun, Mar 17, 2024 at 7:04 PM Spiros barbakos <spirosbarbakos7 [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>

> Greetings!
> My name is Spyros Barbakos and I am a final-year Electrical and Computer
> Engineering student at the University of Thessaly in Volos, Greece. My
> academic focus is Deep Learning, Data Mining, and Natural Language
> Processing.
> I am sending this email because the Greeklish-to-Greek project, is closely
> related to my interests and I would be more than happy to collaborate on
> this work.
> As you can see in my Resume, I have a lot of experience with Python and
> have worked with projects that utilize PyTorch and HuggingFace to create an
> NLP pipeline.
> More specifically:
> In my internship at NCSR Demokritos, I worked with deep learning methods
> to create an information retrieval system.
> Also, during my academic courses, I utilized LLMs to solve various
> problems, like news classification and closed-domain question answering.
> Finally, during my internship at the SMEClinic research project at my
> university, I gained valuable experience in Data Mining and Web Scraping.
> I would like to ask for more information about this project, to
> familiarize myself with the pipeline and the objectives, in order to write
> a compelling proposal.
> Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
> Spyros Barbakos
> Resume:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1whQjDPH1TBjj9jytZr23McfaYIhmMidA/view?usp=sharing
> Github: https://github.com/5p1r05
> Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spyros-barbakos-a8a897118/
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