ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: Extend deepbots to support RL environments

Thank you Sanket,

I have added some comments directly on the PDF. Feel free contact me in
order to discuss them. Excuse me for the delay!



On 23/3/21 7:52 μ.μ., Sanket Thakur wrote:
> Hello Manos,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I have modified my proposal accordingly. We can still iterate over it.
> Let me know your thoughts on it.
> Best,
> Sanket
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 12:15 PM Manos Kirtas <manolis [ dot ] kirt [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com
> <mailto:manolis [ dot ] kirt [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     Glad to hear that you are interested on contributing in deepbots
>     project. I have some comments on you proposal
>       * It will be helpful if you specify in that you will work on
>         first. For example, there is an extensive list of examples
>         <https://github.com/aidudezzz/deepbots/issues/85> that you can
>         work on. Being more specific can help us to guide you in order
>         to compose a strong proposal
>       * What types of problems you are interested for? What kind of
>         robots can be used to replicate those gym examples?
>       * Are you interested on contributing RL algorithms? Is there any
>         existing implementation that can be used or we should develop
>         it from scratch. I totally recommend to take on a look on
>         existing implementation (such as stable-baselines
>         <https://stable-baselines.readthedocs.io/en/master/>)
>       * If you are interested on implementing RL algorithms from
>         scratch, it would be great to cite the respective papers.
>       * Which framework you are going to use in order to implement
>         those algorithms (etc. pytorch, tensorflow)?
>       * Elaborate as more as possible the custom testbets that you are
>         interested to develop. What's you ideas? What type of task we
>         want to solve? What robot can be used? Can this problem be
>         solved with both discrete and continuous action space?
>       * I found very interesting idea to have an infrastructure for
>         hyperparameter optimization! Can we use an existing framework
>         for that, for example ray? <https://ray.io/>
>     In my prospective it will be better to stick on 3 specific
>     examples/tasks in order to further examine what can be used.
>     Additionally, I feel that firstly we should take a look on
>     existing implementations of RL algorithms and integrate them on
>     those specific examples. Stable-baselines are already supported
>     from deepbots and can be easily integrated on any example with not
>     so much effort. Regarding the hyperparameter optimization, I will
>     recommend ray since a have some experience and I can guide you. Of
>     course any other ideas it is more than welcome to be discussed!
>     Finally, I find very useful to include a timeline in which you can
>     schedule your different ideas and develop a plan that can be
>     feasible on the given timeline. 
>     Those some comments can extend our discussion in order to develop
>     a strong proposal. I'm glad to hear your thoughts about the above
>     comments!
>     Best regards,
>     Manos.
>      On 22/3/21 12:35 μ.μ., Sanket Thakur wrote:
>>     Hello,
>>     I am writing this to express my interest to work on '*Extend
>>     deepbots to support stable-baselines and implement gym-style
>>     default RL  environments *' as a part of Gsoc 2021.
>>     I am attaching my proposal for the project and relevant
>>     contributions.
>>     It'd be great to hear your reviews on it.
>>     Thanks.
>>     Best,
>>     Sanket
>>     ----
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