ΕΕΛΛΑΚ - Λίστες Ταχυδρομείου

Re: Interested in Enhancement of SmAuto DSL and integration into HomeAssistant Project

  • Subject: Re: Interested in Enhancement of SmAuto DSL and integration into HomeAssistant Project
  • From: Chai Ying Goh <cygohhh [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2024 03:28:31 +0800
Hi Mentors,

I've completed a draft of my project proposal. You can find it here:

I would greatly appreciate your feedback and comments.

Thank you,

On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 6:13 PM Konstantinos Panayiotou <klpanagi [ at ] ece [ dot ] auth [ dot ] gr>

> Dear Chai,
> As mentioned in the documentation of the repo, the Dynamic Model
> Execution, and thus the interpreter command is DEPRECATED and currently
> removed from the CLI of SmAuto.
> Please use the static generators for automations and virtual entities (gen
> / genv) commands.
> Best Regards,
> Kostas
> On 8/3/24 01:47, Chai Ying Goh wrote:
> Hi Manos,
> Thanks for your reply. I tried to run the simple example
> under examples/simple_example. When I try to execute the mode with the
> command `smauto interpret simple_model.smauto`.
> I face this error:
> ```
> Usage: smauto [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
> Try 'smauto --help' for help.
> Error: No such command 'interpret'.
> ```
> Also cloud you provide how the smauto-dsl docker images works.
> I run the docker images and open localhost:8080 on my browser, it displays
> empty json.
>  Regards,
> gohcy
> On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 4:45 PM Manos Tsardoulias <etsardou [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com>
> wrote:
>> Dear Chai,
>> Thank you for your interest! Let's go directly to the questions:
>>    - Regarding the current status of the project: Right now, the SmAuto
>>    DSL is in a stable version and you can write models, validate them and
>>    generate Python code, which can be executed. I believe you know the
>>    HomeAssistant project already, since it is one of the most well known open
>>    source projects for smart environments. The task is to merge these two by
>>    writing a HomeAssistant module.
>>    - "*Regarding the addition of virtual entities, should I implement
>>    the communication protocol through commlib, or is it already integrated,
>>    requiring only connection with the .smauto model?*" Right now we have
>>    only hardware sensors and effectors in the SmAuto definitions. We desire to
>>    allow for "virtual sensors" as well (i.e. a REST call via which we retrieve
>>    data, or an RPC call), so no, these virtual entities do not currently
>>    exist.
>>    - Concerning auxiliary concepts, right now the base modules of SmAuto
>>    are Entities and Automations. We want to enhance this by adding some more
>>    complex (and better) control on when and how the automations are
>>    starting/stopping, and that's why we need explicit conditions, delays etc.
>>    - For generalizing the DSL's concepts we need to change the
>>    metamodel, its validation mechanism and the code generation, so no, this is
>>    not about formatting or functions. If you want to get a better grasp over
>>    this subject you can search about Model Driven Engineering.
>>    - Concerning writing a HA module, please check here:
>>    https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/add-ons/tutorial/
>> Best,
>> Manos
>> On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 5:51 PM Chai Ying Goh <cygohhh [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com> wrote:
>>> Hi Mentors,
>>> I'm Goh Chai Ying. You can call me Goh, deeply interested in the
>>> Enhancement of SmAuto DSL and its integration into the HomeAssistant
>>> project. As a 3rd-year student in Electronics Engineering at UTM Malaysia,
>>> I've thoroughly reviewed the project description and SmAuto's GitHub
>>> README. My experience with Python, IoT concepts, and Linux has me convinced
>>> that I'm well-suited for this project.
>>> Before drafting my proposal, I'd like to gain more insight:
>>>    - What is the current status or progress for the projects?
>>>    - Regarding the addition of virtual entities, should I implement the
>>>    communication protocol through commlib, or is it already integrated,
>>>    requiring only connection with the .smauto model?
>>>    - In terms of incorporating auxiliary concepts, my understanding is
>>>    that they are implemented within the Automations for the SmAuto Model
>>>    (Correct me if I'm wrong).
>>>    - For generalizing the language's Condition concept, could you
>>>    provide more insight? Does it need to support additional formatting or
>>>    functions?
>>>    - Lastly about integration of SmAuto and HomeAssistant, How does the
>>>    HA plugin integrate? through HASS.io
>>>    <https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2017/07/25/introducing-hassio/>?
>>>    Or any method recommended?
>>> Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response
>>> and guidance!
>>> Regards,
>>> Goh
>>> ----
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>> --
>> Emmanouil G. Tsardoulias
>> PhD, Electrical Engineer
>> Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Engineering
>> School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
>> 54124 Thessaloniki, GREECE
>> Tel.: +302310995922
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