> > > hi Chirath, thanks for your interest! Thank you for the detailed reply :) > > I was going through the DB schema and came across a table named Tag. > > What does a tag represent and can you give me an example of a tag name? > > tags are assigned to different scans; as usual they are simple text > information. > > for example you might tag a scan with "before_upgrade" > and then a later one with "after_upgrade". > by looking the data for each tag you can deduct information > on what has changed. > or tags could be "testin", "production", etc. > That seems like a great idea! The tags are to be passed as arguments? or are their predefined tags that are stored while creating the DB. it's one of the hash values that should be stored. > git refers internally to file contents by a hash. > you can see these values, for example, via "git hash-object filename" > the way they are computed is well-known: prepend "blob ", the filesize, > and a NUL character to the content and compute the SHA-1. > > this is a useful hash to have, because it allows reverse search > of files, based on their presence in a git repo. Thank you for the detailed explaination, something like this would appropriate? hashlib.sha1('blob ' + str(len(file_content)) + '\0' + file_content).hexdigest() I have more experience with Python than C, so would it be okay to use Python for this project? With Regards, Chirath R BTech, 4th year, CSE FOSS@Amrita <http://foss.amrita.ac.in/>, Amrita University <http://www.amrita.edu/> Twitter <https://twitter.com/> | LinkedIn <https://in.linkedin.com/pub/chirath-r/103/534/97a> | Github <https://github.com/Chirath02/> *"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat."*
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