> > no, the tags are passed as arguments in the scan command. Okay :) > Thank you for the detailed explaination, something like this would > > appropriate? > > hashlib.sha1('blob ' + str(len(file_content)) + '\0' + > > file_content).hexdigest() > > it seems ok, but of course you need to test it. > but also think about how to handle large files: > you probably shouldn't read the complete contents > in memory at once. > I think it would be better to read a large file as small chunks and update the hash each time to prevent memory issues. > > I have more experience with Python than C, so would it be okay to use > > Python for this project? > > sure, Python (3, obviously) would be acceptable. Yup, Python 3 for sure. I am almost done writing the propsal. Can you review my proposal when its done, it would be nice to get your suggestions.
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